How To Maximise Space On Your Work Desk Like A Pro

A messy and cramped work desk is a sure way to dampen your mood and to make you feel even more overwhelmed and overworked! Get your work life together and tidy up your work area! Here are some ways to neaten things up and to increase usable space!

A messy and cramped work desk is a sure way to dampen your mood and to make you feel even more overwhelmed and overworked! Get your work life together and tidy up your work area! Here are some ways to neaten things up and to increase usable space!

1. Maximise the space under your desk

office layout ideas

Out of all the documents and files cluttering your table top, there are bound to be some that you don’t use on a day to day basis but which you want to have at hand. Put these documents in a carton box and slide them under your table! Strangely enough, many people fail to optimise the space under their tables! If you’re worried that you’ll forget which documents are in the box, simply make a list and stick it on the side!


2. Wall pockets

The Wall Pocket is a cute invention that has been taken office spaces by storm! This little folder-like pockets can be attached (without damage) to walls/shelves/ any vertical surface and allows you to store more things in them! Available at most big bookshops and Ikea, this is a handy little tool to have. If you’re on a tight budget, you can choose to use big envelopes with really sticky tape!

3. Mount your monitor

Get a monitor stand to raise up your monitor and you’ll free up extra space right where the monitor used to sit! These stands are widely available and you should be able to get them at Ikea or Courts.


4. Use a whiteboard instead of paper

whiteboard office mess

A common problem faced by office workers is the many loose sheets of paper scattered on the table! Stop using sheet after sheet of paper and turn to a mini white board instead when you want to jot down simple information! This is not only a greener alternative, but it makes less of a mess as well! To store the mini whiteboard when not in use, either slot it behind your desktop monitor or put it in a drawer!


5. Leave rarely used items in common areas

If your job does not require you to repeatedly punch holes or staple documents throughout the day, consider leaving these items in a common area (such as the printing room or in the pantry). Other items you can consider ditching include water jugs, cups, scissors, hole punchers, snack jars and coffee packets.


6. Get rid of spoilt stationery 

Maximise Space On Work Desk

Most of us won’t call ourselves hoarders but when it comes to stationery, surprising as it may be, almost everyone has spoilt/inkless/broken stationery lying around the table. Conduct regular stationery checks and get down to thrashing those that have no more use! You’ll be amazed at how the little things make a huge difference!

7. Get stackable plastic/metal drawers for your table

Go up and not across your table! Cheap and easily found (they can even be found at bigger Giant and NTUC outlets), this is a dead simple way to maximise your space. Be careful to not stack them too high least they topple over!

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