FiiT visits The Little Prince Exhibitions at Voilah!

Yes you heard that right, the world-famous tale with the equally famous characters are having their own exhibition in sunny Singapore!

Hey everyone! It’s been a while since we did a review so with the Voilah! French Festival currently in full swing (4th May – 21st June 2015),  we thought we’d tell you about two events we visited:

The Little Prince in the Dark and The Little Prince Art Collection. Yes you heard that right, the world-famous tale with the equally famous characters (the Prince, the Fox and the Lamplighter, just to name a few) are having their own exhibition in sunny Singapore!

The Little Prince in the Dark

We had the chance to check out The Little Prince in the Dark exhibition in Singapore. As fans of the original tale, we found the offer too hard to turn down!

So we went down to the Alliance Française building at Sarkies Road, not knowing what to expect.

Boy, were we in for a surprise!

The experience started with the ushers leading our group into a pitch black room! Suffice to say, we were like strangers huddling together in a cold, dark abyss (ok, not really that cold) and we had to fight the urge to run back home crying.

For a few minutes we stumbled aimlessly in the dark, stepping on toes and knocking into fellow guests. We gradually grew accustomed to the surroundings as our eyes caught glimpses of classic favourites like Mr Fox, the Lamplighter and The Railwayman sculptures, but this time painted in fluorescent white and placed in a dark room.


Illuminated by black UV lights, they appeared to glow in the dark and were accompanied by movement-triggered audio descriptions.

To quote a line from the story: “One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes,” said the fox to the Little Prince. I’m quite certain the Fox didn’t have a cold dark room in Newton in mind when he said that but C’est La Vie eh?


All your favourite characters, Mr Fox, the Lamplighter; make an appearance at this surreal exhibition!

As huge fans of the 1940s children’s classic The Little Prince, we were raring to visit the second exhibition in town, more details follow!


The Little Prince Art Collection

You just knew we were going to check out the 2nd exhibition too, right? 🙂

So there we were at the Fullerton Hotel and there was no need to amble clumsily in the dark anymore, everything was in plain sight this time!

The second exhibition, The Little Prince Art Collection, features painstakingly hand-painted sculptures representing actual scenes from the book.

little prince in the dark singaporelittle prince singaporeThat fateful meeting between the pilot and the prince in the Sahara Desert? Check. All those vivid, dreamlike sequences? They’re all in there, trust me.

little prince voilah voilah singapore exhibition little prince voilah


These activities are part of the Voilah! French festival in Singapore, which aims to promote French culture, arts, gastronomy and innovations.

Overall, it was an evening well spent. So if you’re into tales of discovery and exploration, why not give The Little Prince exhibitions a try?

Exhibition: The Little Prince in the Dark The Little Prince Art Collection
Venue: Alliance Francaise
Societe Generale Gallery
1 Sarkies Road
East Garden Foyer Gallery
Fullerton Hotel
1 Fullerton Square
Date: Till June 20 Till May 31
Price: Free! Free!


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When not preparing for the inevitable zombie apocalypse, I turn to the humble craft of writing.

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