5 Work-At-Home Tips And Tricks

Struggling to stay on task while working at home? Don't worry, you're not alone. Here are some awesome work-at-home tips and tricks to keep you productive.

Struggling to stay on task while working at home? Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

Here are some awesome work-at-home tips and tricks to keep you productive.

1. Act like you are still going to work

productive work form home

If you want to be productive, you’ll need to do what you normally do.  That means getting up early, making some coffee or tea and most importantly step out of those auntie pajamas.

Kickstart your body into thinking it’s work time, not sleep time.


2. Turn up the volume


working from home singapore

A moderate level of ambient noise is conducive to becoming more productive. Be responsible – you may have the freedom to create the ultimate Jay Chou playlist in the comfort of your home office, but that doesn’t mean you should make “iTunes DJ” your second job title.


3. Communication is essential

work from home singapore

Make it a point to contact your team members individually during the day to check in. Doing so keeps you in touch with what’s going on in the office.


4. Make it harder for yourself to mess around on social media

Remove all social networks from your toolbar bookmarks. Even if you don’t mean to browse them, it is incredibly tempting to open up Instagram during your downtime. One minute you’re looking up something on Facebook, the next hour you’re stalking your former boss without knowing it, so eliminating the temptations will keep you on track.


5. Prepare your environment

Being a prepared work-from-home employee means you must anticipate your working needs. Are you able to access the company’s Dropbox account from home? Have you informed your clients that they won’t be able to contact you on your office line? Where are your colleagues having lunch today? Economical Rice or Western? We jest – but you get the idea on the importance of being prepared.

When not preparing for the inevitable zombie apocalypse, I turn to the humble craft of writing.

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