Category : Things To Do In Singapore

8 Fun Things to Do At Singapore Sports Hub

The demolition of the old National Stadium in 2011 brought about the construction of the Singapore Sports Hub, which opened in June last year. If you haven’t already been there, the 35-hectare sports complex not only houses the new and improved National Stadium, it is the go-to place for sure FUN! In case you, like many others, don’t already know, Kallang Wave Mall and the Water Sports Centre are also part of this new sports complex. How exciting! Here are 8 reasons why the Singapore Sports Hub should be your next adventure!

7 Reasons Why Singapore Is The Yummiest Place On Earth #soshiok

Singapore – 625 square kilometres, 4.5 million people and 30,000 eateries.

Yes, 30,000 eating places. What that means is that if you threw a stone up in the air, there’s a very big chance it might hit a Chicken Rice uncle whipping up one of Singapore’s beloved dishes.

Ok, we’ll admit we’re a bit biased here but we think Singapore offers THE best food on the planet. A melting pot of Chinese, Indian and Malay cuisine, Singapore has a rich heritage when it comes to food.

As there are only limited places on this list, we unfortunately had to omit a few crowd favourites (sorry Carrot Cake and Chinese Rice lovers) but we think the dishes listed here are worthy candidates.

FiiTSG goes to UrbanSCAPE 2015

FiiT was invited down to UrbanSCAPE 2015, and joined close to 400 people at Lepark for Singapore’s first sunset rooftop yoga party.

BUT… it wasn’t all just about yoga! When we got there, we discovered that they had a little lifestyle market with vendors such as GetKlarity, Madana and Afterglow – everything from hassle-free spa bookings to nature-friendly yoga accessories and Kimchi Nori Rolls. YES PLEASE!

FiiT DIY: Make Your Own Terrarium

Terrariums are perfect desk accessories and make great gifts! They look amazing anywhere – in the office, bedroom, washroom; you name it!

These mini gardens are super easy to make and comes in whichever shape you want! They don’t even require much care except for a tablespoon of water every 6 months to 1 year. Talk about low maintenance!

FiiT visits The Little Prince Exhibitions at Voilah!

Hey everyone! It’s been a while since we did a review so with the Voilah! French Festival currently in full swing (4th May – 21st June 2015),  we thought we’d tell you about two events we visited:

The Little Prince in the Dark and The Little Prince Art Collection. Yes you heard that right, the world-famous tale with the equally famous characters (the Prince, the Fox and the Lamplighter, just to name a few) are having their own exhibition in sunny Singapore!

5 Useful Networking Tips for Introverts

Close your eyes and picture your average networking scenario.

You see:

People flashing smiles and friendly looks of approval.

Unruly mobs shaking hands and exchanging business cards.

Whipping out packets of tissue paper and slamming it down onto a table with the dexterity of a seasoned gambler – oh wait, that’s just the lunchtime crowd.

FiiTSG CNY Survival Guide 2015

Read this CNY survival guide because it’s that time of the year again! CNY is the time to usher in the Year of the Goat. But before you toss that yu sheng, pop open that tub of pineapple tarts, and indulge in the joy that is unbridled Chinese New Year binge eating,